MIM 2016 - MIM Portal cannot handle Generic LDAP Management Agent in Synchronization Rules

You might be faced to a empty “External System Resource Type” drop-down when you try to create a new SyncRule, or a "Unable to process your request" when you try to edit an existing SyncRule.
If the management agent is a Generic LDAP Connector, these errors can be related to unsupported attributes called Operational Attributes. Such attributes are calculated server-side. They are usualy read-only and not visible by default.

Edit the Generic LDAP management agent > Connectivity > Uncheck "Include operational attributes in schema (Recommended)".
Warning: before doing that, be sure that you don't need one of these attributes.

If the solution above does not solve the issue, check this post: Unpopulated sync rule “External System Resource Type” drop-down for FIM/MIM Generic LDAP MA

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